Claims Team

We are committed to making it as easy as possible for you and your clients at claim time. We have a team of experts ready to help you.

At QBE our claims professionals have specialist knowledge of each of our product lines. The teams are ready to support you and your clients when a claim needs to be made.

Claim type Contact details

You can track live claims on QBE's Broker Xchange 
(excluding sensitive or legally privileged matters)

Comemrcial Property & Contract Works [email protected]

[email protected]

Liability & Financial Lines

[email protected]

Commercial Motor

[email protected]

Motor glass claims [email protected]
Recoveries [email protected]
Natural disaster NHCover claim Contact your broker or QBE on 0800 QBE Claims / 0800 723 252, or [email protected]
Australian property and motor claims

For property claims: [email protected]
For motor claims: [email protected]

If you are unsure who to contact, please email [email protected]
or call us on 0800 QBE Claims / 0800 723 252

Claims Management Team

Leanne Nel, Head of Claims, QBE NZPAC

Leanne Nel

Head of Claims, NZPAC
Tel: +64 9 980 3490
Mob: +64 21 872 440

Michelle Watson, Quality and Performance Manager, NZPAC

Michelle Watson

Quality and Performance Manager, NZPAC
Tel: +64 9 308 8646

Vin Oliveria, Senior Claims Specialist Team Leader, QBE

Vin Oliveria

Manager, Claims Operations
Tel: +64 9 308 8686
Mob: +64 21 519 779

Sarah O'Brien, QBE Liability Claims Manager

Sarah O'Brien

Claims Legal Manager
Tel: +64 9 980 3303

Kristine Tempest, QBE National Claims Manager - Motor

Kristine Tempest

National Claims Manager – Property & Marine
Tel: +64 9 980 3328
Mob: +64 27 362 9141

Russell Fergusson, QBE National Claims Manager - Motor

Russell Fergusson

National Claims Manager – Motor
Tel: +64 9 308 8534
Mob: +64 211 932 102

Contacts - no photo - male silhouette

Brent Bills

Manager, Loss Prevention and Investigation
Tel: +64 9 308 8582

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Ana Nolan

National Claims Manager, Long Tail – AUSPAC
Tel: +64 9 308 8505