Protecting your home and loved ones against fire

In 2020, more than 33,000 calls were made to the Hong Kong Fire Services Department, of which 85.5% were related to building fires. Between 2016 to 2020, 84 people lost their lives in fire accidents and 90% of these accidents were caused by residential fires. While properties and possessions can usually be replaced, sentimental items and most importantly, lives cannot.
Here are some quick tips to fire-proof your home:
• Do not use the phone or watch TV when cooking. Set alarm timers to turn off the stove
• Keep corridors and lift lobbies clear of storage and discarded items
• Do not overload power outlets by plugging in multiple electrical equipment and appliances
• Install a home fire, smoke or heat detector
Here are some quick tips to fire-proof your home:
• Do not use the phone or watch TV when cooking. Set alarm timers to turn off the stove
• Keep corridors and lift lobbies clear of storage and discarded items
• Do not overload power outlets by plugging in multiple electrical equipment and appliances
• Install a home fire, smoke or heat detector