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API Endpoints

API Endpoints

Exploring with publicly accessible API references


This API endpoint performs premium calculation and business validation on the provided information to determine if it can be processed as a straight-through transaction.



POST /quotes/premiums


Parameter Description Passed in Required
x-Partner-Id Unique identifier of the client making the API call HTTP Header Yes
x-Transaction-Id Unique ID for the request message HTTP Header Yes
Policy Full Policy Information Request body Yes


Parameter Description Passed in
status SUCCESS / WARNING / ERROR Response body
messages Any detailed message for WARNING or ERROR results Response body
premium Calculated price / premium Request body


Sample Request Sample Response
"country": "SGP",
"product": "TRAVEL",
"inceptionDate": "2023-12-04",
"effectiveDate": "2023-12-04",
"expiryDate": "2023-12-05",
"client": {
"email": "[email protected]",
"clientAddress": {
"floorNumber": "38",
"streetName": "ANCHORVALE DRIVE",
"country": "SGP",
"postcode": "542319"
"fullName": "ANDY LAU",
"gender": "MALE",
"nationality": "SGP",
"birthDate": "1988-10-06",
"NRICorFIN": "S6005048A"
"risks": [
"riskNumber": "0",
"attachmentDate": "2023-07-04",
"travel": {
"coverType": "PTRQTS",
"planType": "ID",
"insuredPersons": [
"IDNumber": "S6005048A",
"fullTimeStudent": "N",
"dateOfBirth": "1988-10-05",
"fullName": "ANDY LAU"
"IDNumber": "1245",
"fullTimeStudent": "N",
"dateOfBirth": "2005-04-04",
"fullName": "Hello Be"
"plan": "ST",
"numberOfPersons": 2,
"numberOfAdults": 1,
"numberOfChildren": 0,
"destination": "6",
"TopUps": "CVD"
"status": "SUCCESS",
"action": "quoteRate",
"messageHeader": {
"partnerId": "05110014",
"transactionId": "motorTestSGP"
"premium": {
"annualPremium": 76.8,
"premiumDue": 76.8,
"gst": 0,
"totalDue": 76.8,
"totalDiscount": 0,
"totalLoading": 0,
"totalCommission": {
"commissionRate": 25,
"commissionAmount": 19.2
"charges": []

This API endpoint allows a partner to officially bind a policy with QBE. The transaction will send the policy documents to the indicated insured’s e-mail address.


POST /policies


Parameter Description Passed in Required
x-Partner-Id Unique identifier of the client making the API call HTTP Header Yes
x-Transaction-Id Unique ID for the request message HTTP Header Yes
Policy Full Policy Information Request body Yes
suppressCustDocsFlag boolean to determine if customer documents will be sent to client (default: false) URL No


Parameter Description Passed in
status SUCCESS / WARNING / ERROR Response body
messages Any detailed message for WARNING or ERROR results Request body
policyNumber Unique policy number allocated by QBE Response body
policyStatus INFORCED / NEW BUSINESS REFERRED Response body


Sample Request Sample Response
"country": "SGP",
"product": "TRAVEL",
"inceptionDate": "2022-10-30",
"effectiveDate": "2022-10-30",
"expiryDate": "2023-10-29",
"policyNumber": "",
"policyStatus": "",
"client": {
"email": "[email protected]",
"clientAddress": {
"buildingName": "building 1",
"floorNumber": "unit 1",
"streetName": "street 1",
"country": "SGP",
"postcode": "000989"
"fullName": "persona",
"gender": "FEMALE",
"birthDate": "1987-01-01",
"nationality": "SGP",
"NRICorFIN": "009899"
"risks": [
"riskNumber": "0",
"attachmentDate": "2022-10-30",
"travel": {
"coverType": "PTRQTA",
"planType": "ID",
"insuredPersons": [
"fullName": "july 2309",
"dateOfBirth": "1987-01-01",
"IDNumber": "09809",
"fullTimeStudent": "N"
"plan": "ST",
"numberOfPersons": 1,
"numberOfAdults": 0,
"numberOfChildren": 0,
"destination": "3",
"TopUps": "CVD"
"status": "SUCCESS",
"action": "quoteUpdate",
"messageHeader": {
"partnerId": "05110014",
"transactionId": "SGPTravelTest"
"policyNumber": "T0201118",

This API endpoint returns the full policy information saved in QBE’s systems. This is applicable for both inforced policies and cover notes.


GET /policies/{country}/{policy_id}


Parameter Description Passed in Required
x-Partner-Id Unique identifier of the client making the API call HTTP Header Yes
x-Transaction-Id Unique ID for the request message HTTP Header Yes
country HKG, SGP URL Yes
policy_no Unique QBE policy number URL Yes


Parameter Description Passed in
status SUCCESS / WARNING / ERROR Response body
messages Any detailed message for WARNING or ERROR results Response body
policy Full policy Information Response body
premium Calculated price / premium Response body
excess Excess section details for Private Motor Response body


Sample Request Sample Response
N/A {
"status": "SUCCESS",
"action": "loadPolicy",
"messageHeader": {
"partnerId": "05110014",
"transactionId": "getPolicyTest"
"policy": {
"policyNumber": "T0201118",
"policyStatus": "INFORCED NEW BUSINESS",
"country": "SGP",
"product": "TRAVEL",
"inceptionDate": "2023-12-04",
"effectiveDate": "2023-12-04",
"expiryDate": "2023-12-05",
"client": {
"clientKey": "03477358",
"clientAddress": {
"floorNumber": "38",
"buildingName": "",
"streetName": "ANCHORVALE DRIVE",
"district": "",
"city": "",
"province": "",
"country": "SGP",
"postcode": "542319",
"state": ""
"email": "[email protected]",
"phone": "",
"fullName": "ANDY LAU",
"gender": "MALE",
"salutation": "",
"birthDate": "1988-10-06",
"nationality": "SGP",
"NRICorFIN": "S6005048A"
"risks": [
"travel": {
"coverType": "PTRQTS",
"plan": "ST",
"planType": "ID",
"numberOfAdults": 0,
"numberOfChildren": 0,
"insuredPersons": [
"fullName": "ANDY LAU",
"dateOfBirth": "1988-10-05",
"IDNumber": "S6005048A"
"fullName": "Hello Be",
"dateOfBirth": "2005-04-04",
"IDNumber": "1245"
"destination": "6",
"numberOfPersons": 2
"productAndCountry": "TRAVEL|SGP",
"riskNumber": "1",
"attachmentDate": "2023-07-04"
"premium": {
"annualPremium": 76.8,
"premiumDue": 76.8,
"gst": 0,
"totalDue": 76.8,
"totalDiscount": 0,
"totalLoading": 0,
"totalCommission": {
"commissionRate": 25,
"commissionAmount": 19.2
"charges": []

This API endpoint allows a partner to download the policy documents as PDF data for an existing quote or policy.


GET /documents/{country}/{policy_id}


Parameter Description Passed in Required
x-Partner-Id Unique identifier of the client making the API call HTTP Header Yes
x-Transaction-Id Unique ID for the request message HTTP Header Yes
country HKG, SGP URL Yes
policy_id Unique QBE quote or policy number URL Yes
suppressCustDocsFlag boolean to determine if customer documents will be sent to client (default: false) URL No


Parameter Description Passed in
status SUCCESS / WARNING / ERROR Response body
messages Any detailed message for WARNING or ERROR results Response body
documents List of available documents and downloadable URLs Response body



Sample Request Sample Response
N/A {
"status": "SUCCESS",
"action": "getDocument",
"messageHeader": {
"partnerId": "05110014",
"transactionId": "OrroGetDocsTest"
"documents": [
"docDescription": "Motor Certificate (R0810)",
"url": ""
"docDescription": "Schedule - Client Copy",
"url": ""
"docDescription": "Policy Wording",
"url": ""
"docDescription": "Tax Invoice - Client Copy - 03477353",
"url": ""
"docDescription": "Approved Reporting Centres And Authorised Motor Workshops",
"url": ""

This API endpoint allows a partner to get the status of an existing claim based on its current stage in the claims process.


POST /claims/status


Parameter Description Passed in Required
x-Partner-Id Unique identifier of the client making the API call HTTP Header Yes
x-Transaction-Id Unique ID for the request message HTTP Header Yes
claimNumber Claim Number lodged Request body Yes
policyNumber Policy number of the claim being made Request body Yes
country HKG, SGP Request body Yes
policyType Type of Policy Request body Yes
Name Policyholder’s full name (as indicated in policy) Request body Yes
idNumber Policy Holder’s Security ID Number (HKID or Passport Number as indicated in policy) Request body Yes


Parameter Description Passed in
status SUCCESS / WARNING / ERROR Response body
messages Any detailed message for WARNING or ERROR results Response body
claimStatus Array of claims with claim status associated with the requested claim number or policy number Response body


Sample Request Sample Response
"claimNumber" : "",
"policyNumber" : "T0201118",
"country" : "SGP",
"name" : "ANDY LAU",
"idNumber" : "S6005048A",
"policyType" : "generic"
"status": "SUCCESS",
"action": "InquireClaimStatus",
"messageHeader": {
"partnerId": "05110014",
"transactionId": "validationtestCha"
"claimStatus": [
"productType": "PTR",
"policyNumber": "T0201118",
"claimStatus": "New",
"policyHolderName": "ANDY LAU",
"dateOfLoss": "2023-11-09"

This API endpoint allows a partner to register a claim for any valid QBE policy if the date of loss falls within the policy’s period of cover.


POST /claims


Parameter Description Passed in Required
x-Partner-Id Unique identifier of the client making the API call HTTP Header Yes
x-Transaction-Id Unique ID for the request message HTTP Header Yes
country 3-digit ISO code for countries Request body Yes
policyNumber Policy number of the claim being made Request body Yes
dateOfLoss Date of Loss or when the incident occurred Request body Yes
policyHolderName Policyholder’s full name (as indicated in policy) Request body Yes
securityNumber Policy Holder’s Security ID Number (HKID or Passport Number) Request body Yes
incidentLocation 3-digit ISO code for country where the incident/loss occurred Request body Yes
incidentDescription Description of the incident Request body Yes
amountClaimedCurrency 3-digit ISO code for country currency of the total amount to be claimed Request body Yes
amountClaimed Total amount to be claimed Request body Yes
isClaimCoveredByOtherInsurer Boolean indicator to know if the claim is covered by other insurance policy Request body Yes
claimantName Name of person creating the claim Request body Yes
contactNumber Claimant contact number Request body Yes
Email Claimant email address Request body Yes
sendNotifToAgent Flag to send updates to agent Request body Yes
otherInsurerDetails Information required if claim is covered by other insurer Request body No
bankDetails Bank details and information where claim amount will be deposited Request body Yes


Parameter Description Passed in
status SUCCESS / WARNING / ERROR Response body
messages Any detailed message for WARNING or ERROR results Response body
claimDetails Claim Details with claim number Response body


Sample Request Sample Response
"country" : "SGP",
"policyNumber" : "T0201118",
"dateOfLoss" : "2023-11-10",
"policyHolderName" : "ANDY LAU",
"securityNumber" : "S4978444I",
"incidentLocation" : "SGP",
"incidentDescription" : "accident test",
"amountClaimedCurrency" : "HKD",
"amountClaimed" : 300.0,
"isClaimCoveredByOtherInsurer" : false,
"claimantName" : "ABCD",
"contactNumberCountryCode": "+1",
"contactNumber" : "12345678",
"email" : "[email protected]",
"sendNotifToAgent" : true,
"bankDetails" : {
"accountHolderName" : "TEST TEST",
"bankCode" : "004 | HSBC",
"branchCode" : 123,
"accountNumber" : 123456789
"action": "LodgeClaim",
"messageHeader": {
"partnerId": "05110014",
"transactionId": "createClaim-11-09-2023-954"
"status": "Success",
"productType": "PTR",
"claimNumber": "",
"notificationNumber": "CN-SG-9515",
"policyNumber": "T0201118",
"policyHolderName": "ANDY LAU",
"dateOfLoss": "2023-11-10"


This API endpoint performs premium calculation and business validation on the provided information to determine if it can be processed as a straight-through transaction.


POST /quotes/premiums


Parameter Description Passed in Required
x-Partner-Id Unique identifier of the client making the API call HTTP Header Yes
x-Transaction-Id Unique ID for the request message HTTP Header Yes
Policy Full Policy Information Request body Yes


Parameter Description Passed in
status SUCCESS / WARNING / ERROR Response body
messages Any detailed message for WARNING or ERROR results Response body
premium Calculated price / premium Request body


Sample Request Sample Response
"country": "SGP",
"product": "TRAVEL",
"inceptionDate": "2023-12-04",
"effectiveDate": "2023-12-04",
"expiryDate": "2023-12-05",
"client": {
"email": "[email protected]",
"clientAddress": {
"floorNumber": "38",
"streetName": "ANCHORVALE DRIVE",
"country": "SGP",
"postcode": "542319"
"fullName": "ANDY LAU",
"gender": "MALE",
"nationality": "SGP",
"birthDate": "1988-10-06",
"NRICorFIN": "S6005048A"
"risks": [
"riskNumber": "0",
"attachmentDate": "2023-07-04",
"travel": {
"coverType": "PTRQTS",
"planType": "ID",
"insuredPersons": [
"IDNumber": "S6005048A",
"fullTimeStudent": "N",
"dateOfBirth": "1988-10-05",
"fullName": "ANDY LAU"
"IDNumber": "1245",
"fullTimeStudent": "N",
"dateOfBirth": "2005-04-04",
"fullName": "Hello Be"
"plan": "ST",
"numberOfPersons": 2,
"numberOfAdults": 1,
"numberOfChildren": 0,
"destination": "6",
"TopUps": "CVD"
"status": "SUCCESS",
"action": "quoteRate",
"messageHeader": {
"partnerId": "05110014",
"transactionId": "motorTestSGP"
"premium": {
"annualPremium": 76.8,
"premiumDue": 76.8,
"gst": 0,
"totalDue": 76.8,
"totalDiscount": 0,
"totalLoading": 0,
"totalCommission": {
"commissionRate": 25,
"commissionAmount": 19.2
"charges": []

This API endpoint allows a partner to save a quotation to with QBE that can be retrieved or converted to a policy later within 30-60 days, depending on the product.


POST /quotes


Parameter Description Passed in Required
x-Partner-Id Unique identifier of the client making the API call HTTP Header Yes
x-Transaction-Id Unique ID for the request message HTTP Header Yes
Policy Full quote Information Request body Yes
suppressCustDocsFlag boolean to determine if customer documents will be sent to client (default: false) URL No


Parameter Description Passed in
status SUCCESS / WARNING / ERROR Response body
messages Any detailed message for WARNING or ERROR results Response body
quoteNumber Unique quote number allocated by QBE Response body
quoteStatus ISSUED / ISSUED WITH REFERRAL Response body


Sample Request Sample Response
"country": "SGP",
"product": "HOME",
"inceptionDate": "2023-03-30",
"expiryDate": "2024-03-31",
"risks": [
"riskNumber": "0",
"attachmentDate": "2023-02-01",
"home": {
"planType": "PS",
"housingType": "PU",
"packageExtension": {
"occupancyType": "0001",
"contentsSumInsured": 200000,
"buildingSumInsured": 100000,
"liabilityToOthers": 5000000,
"personalAccidentSI": 50000
"optionalExtensions": [
"numberOFEmployees": 0,
"totalSumInsured": 0
"specifiedValuables": [],
"homeEmployees": [],
"insuredAddress": {
"floorNumber": "",
"buildingName": "",
"streetName": "308A ANCHORVALE ROAD",
"district": "",
"city": "",
"province": "",
"country": "SGP",
"postcode": "541308",
"accumulationRegister": "541308"
"historyQuestions": {
"past3Years": false,
"past3YearsText": "",
"declinedInsurance": false,
"declinedInsuranceText": ""
"client": {
"email": "[email protected]",
"clientAddress": {
"streetName": "sgp street1",
"country": "SGP",
"postcode": "567890"
"fullName": "TEST TEST",
"birthDate": "1985-02-27",
"nationality": "SGP",
"NRICorFIN": "S4978444I"
"status": "SUCCESS",
"action": "issueQuote",
"messageHeader": {
"partnerId": "05110014",
"transactionId": "motorTestSGP"
"quoteNumber": "00228011",
"quoteStatus": "SAVED QUOTE"

This API endpoint allows a partner to officially bind a policy with QBE. The transaction will send the policy documents to the indicated insured’s e-mail address.


POST /policies


Parameter Description Passed in Required
x-Partner-Id Unique identifier of the client making the API call HTTP Header Yes
x-Transaction-Id Unique ID for the request message HTTP Header Yes
Policy Full Policy Information Request body Yes
suppressCustDocsFlag boolean to determine if customer documents will be sent to client (default: false) URL No


Parameter Description Passed in
status SUCCESS / WARNING / ERROR Response body
messages Any detailed message for WARNING or ERROR results Response body
policyNumber Unique policy number allocated by QBE Response body
policyStatus INFORCED / NEW BUSINESS REFERRED Response body


Sample Request Sample Response
"country": "SGP",
"product": "HOME",
"inceptionDate": "2023-02-21",
"expiryDate": "2024-02-22",
"risks": [
"riskNumber": "0",
"attachmentDate": "2023-02-01",
"home": {
"planType": "PS",
"housingType": "PU",
"packageExtension": {
"occupancyType": "0001",
"contentsSumInsured": 200000,
"buildingSumInsured": 100000,
"liabilityToOthers": 5000000,
"personalAccidentSI": 50000
"optionalExtensions": [
"numberOFEmployees": 0,
"totalSumInsured": 0
"specifiedValuables": [],
"homeEmployees": [],
"insuredAddress": {
"floorNumber": "",
"buildingName": "",
"streetName": "308A ANCHORVALE ROAD",
"district": "",
"city": "",
"province": "",
"country": "SGP",
"postcode": "541308",
"accumulationRegister": "541308"
"historyQuestions": {
"past3Years": false,
"past3YearsText": "",
"declinedInsurance": false,
"declinedInsuranceText": ""
"client": {
"email": "[email protected]",
"clientAddress": {
"streetName": "

This API endpoint allows a partner to provide an existing quote number to QBE and QBE will automatically retrieve the details of the quote and convert to a New Business inforced policy internally.


POST /policies/convert


Parameter Description Passed in Required
x-Partner-Id Unique identifier of the client making the API call HTTP Header Yes
x-Transaction-Id Unique ID for the request message HTTP Header Yes
quoteDetails Quote Number and Country Request body Yes
suppressCustDocsFlag boolean to determine if customer documents will be sent to client (default: false) URL No


Parameter Description Passed in
status SUCCESS / WARNING / ERROR Response body
messages Any detailed message for WARNING or ERROR results Response body
policyNumber Unique policy number allocated by QBE Response body
policyStatus INFORCED NEW BUSINESS / REFERRED Response body


Sample Request Sample Response
"quoteNumber": "00219457",
"country": "SGP"
"status": "SUCCESS",
"messageHeader": {
"partnerId": "01001521",
"transactionId": "test2"
"policyNumber": "H0012854",

This API endpoint returns the full quote information saved in QBE’s systems.


GET /quotes/{country}/{quote_id}


Parameter Description Passed in Required
x-Partner-Id Unique identifier of the client making the API call HTTP Header Yes
x-Transaction-Id Unique ID for the request message HTTP Header Yes
country HKG, SGP URL Yes
quote_id Unique QBE quote number URL Yes
suppressCustDocsFlag boolean to determine if customer documents will be sent to client (default: false) URL No


Parameter Description Passed in
status SUCCESS / WARNING / ERROR Response body
messages Any detailed message for WARNING or ERROR results Response body
Policy Full Saved Quote Information Response body


Sample Request Sample Response
N/A {
"status": "SUCCESS",
"action": "loadQuote",
"messageHeader": {
"partnerId": "05110014",
"transactionId": "getQuote"
"policy": {
"policyNumber": "00228011",
"policyStatus": "SAVED QUOTE",
"country": "SGP",
"product": "HOME",
"inceptionDate": "2023-12-21",
"effectiveDate": "2023-12-21",
"expiryDate": "2024-12-22",
"client": {
"clientKey": "03477359",
"clientAddress": {
"floorNumber": "",
"buildingName": "",
"streetName": "SGP STREET1",
"district": "",
"city": "",
"province": "",
"country": "SGP",
"postcode": "567890",
"state": ""
"email": "[email protected]",
"phone": "",
"fullName": "TEST TEST",
"gender": "",
"salutation": "",
"birthDate": "1985-02-27",
"nationality": "SGP",
"NRICorFIN": "S4978444I"
"risks": [
"home": {
"planType": "PS",
"optionalExtensions": [
"numberOfEmployees": 0,
"totalSumInsured": 0
"specifiedValuables": [],
"homeEmployees": [],
"historyQuestions": {

This API endpoint returns the full policy information saved in QBE’s systems. This is applicable for both inforced policies and cover notes.


GET /policies/{country}/{policy_id}


Parameter Description Passed in Required
x-Partner-Id Unique identifier of the client making the API call HTTP Header Yes
x-Transaction-Id Unique ID for the request message HTTP Header Yes
country HKG, SGP URL Yes
policy_no Unique QBE policy number URL Yes


Parameter Description Passed in
status SUCCESS / WARNING / ERROR Response body
messages Any detailed message for WARNING or ERROR results Response body
policy Full policy Information Response body
premium Calculated price / premium Response body
excess Excess section details for Private Motor Response body


Sample Request Sample Response
N/A {
"status": "SUCCESS",
"action": "loadPolicy",
"messageHeader": {
"partnerId": "05110014",
"transactionId": "getPolicyTest"
"policy": {
"policyNumber": "H0013368",
"policyStatus": "INFORCED NEW BUSINESS",
"country": "SGP",
"product": "HOME",
"inceptionDate": "2023-12-21",
"effectiveDate": "2023-12-21",
"expiryDate": "2024-12-22",
"client": {
"clientKey": "03477360",
"clientAddress": {
"floorNumber": "",
"buildingName": "",
"streetName": "SGP STREET1",
"district": "",
"city": "",
"province": "",
"country": "SGP",
"postcode": "567890",
"state": ""
"email": "[email protected]",
"phone": "",
"fullName": "TEST TEST",
"gender": "",
"salutation": "",
"birthDate": "1985-02-27",
"nationality": "SGP",
"NRICorFIN": "S4978444I"
"risks": [
"home": {
"planType": "PS",
"optionalExtensions": [
"numberOfEmployees": 0,
"totalSumInsured": 0
"specifiedValuables": [],
"homeEmployees": [],
"historyQuestions": {
"past3Years": false,
"declinedInsurance": false
"insuredAddress": {
"accumulationRegister": "541308",
"addressDisplay": "308A ANCHORVALE ROAD, S541308, SINGAPORE",
"floorNumber": "",
"buildingName": "",
"streetName": "308A ANCHORVALE ROAD",
"district": "",
"city": "",
"province": "",
"country": "SGP",
"postcode": "541308"
"occupancyType": "0001",
"contentsSumInsured": 200000,
"buildingSumInsured": 100000,
"liabilityToOthers": 5000000,
"housingType": "PU"
"riskNumber": "1",
"attachmentDate": "2023-12-21"
"premium": {
"annualPremium": 100.55,
"premiumDue": 100.55,
"gst": 8.04,
"totalDue": 108.59,
"totalDiscount": 0,
"totalLoading": 0,
"totalCommission": {
"commissionRate": 25,
"commissionAmount": 25.14
"charges": []

This API endpoint allows a partner to search and select a location or address for a Home quote or policy. For Hong Kong, the partner can pass any text string. For Singapore, the partner can pass the Singaporean post codes.


GET /locations/{country}?queryString={queryString}


Parameter Description Passed in Required
x-Partner-Id Unique identifier of the client making the API call HTTP Header Yes
x-Transaction-Id Unique ID for the request message HTTP Header Yes
country HKG, SGP URL Yes
queryString For Hong Kong, enter the text to search. For Singapore, enter the postcode to search. URL Yes


Parameter Description Passed in
addresses List of addresses with their IDs and details Response body


Sample Request Sample Response
N/A {
"status": "SUCCESS",
"action": "getDocument",
"messageHeader": {
"partnerId": "05110014",
"transactionId": "SGPHOME-GETDOCS"
"documents": [
"docDescription": "Schedule - Client Copy",
"url": ""
"docDescription": "Policy Wording",
"url": ""
"docDescription": "Summary of Benefits",
"url": ""
"docDescription": "Tax Invoice - Client Copy - 03477360",
"url": ""

This API endpoint allows a partner to download the policy documents as PDF data for an existing quote or policy.


GET /documents/{country}/{policy_id}


Parameter Description Passed in Required
x-Partner-Id Unique identifier of the client making the API call HTTP Header Yes
x-Transaction-Id Unique ID for the request message HTTP Header Yes
country HKG, SGP URL Yes
policy_id Unique QBE quote or policy number URL Yes
suppressCustDocsFlag boolean to determine if customer documents will be sent to client (default: false) URL No


Parameter Description Passed in
status SUCCESS / WARNING / ERROR Response body
messages Any detailed message for WARNING or ERROR results Response body
documents List of available documents and downloadable URLs Response body


Sample Request Sample Response
N/A {
"status": "SUCCESS",
"action": "addressSearch",
"messageHeader": {
"partnerId": "05110014",
"transactionId": "testQualys-Locations"
"address": [
"accumulationRegister": "260007",
"addressDisplay": "260007: B) BLK 7 EMPRESS RD HAWKER CTR, S260007, SINGAPORE",
"floorNumber": "",
"buildingName": "",
"streetName": "B) BLK 7 EMPRESS RD HAWKER CTR",
"district": "",
"city": "",
"province": "",
"country": "SGP",
"postcode": "260007"

This API endpoint allows a partner to get the status of an existing claim based on its current stage in the claims process.


POST /claims/status


Parameter Description Passed in Required
x-Partner-Id Unique identifier of the client making the API call HTTP Header Yes
x-Transaction-Id Unique ID for the request message HTTP Header Yes
claimNumber Claim Number lodged Request body Yes
policyNumber Policy number of the claim being made Request body Yes
country HKG, SGP Request body Yes
policyType Type of Policy Request body Yes
Name Policyholder’s full name (as indicated in policy) Request body Yes
idNumber Policy Holder’s Security ID Number (HKID or Passport Number as indicated in policy) Request body Yes


Parameter Description Passed in
status SUCCESS / WARNING / ERROR Response body
messages Any detailed message for WARNING or ERROR results Response body
claimStatus Array of claims with claim status associated with the requested claim number or policy number Response body


Sample Request Sample Response
"claimNumber": "",
"policyNumber": "H0013368",
"country": "SGP",
"name": "Test Test",
"idNumber": "S4978444I",
"policyType": "generic"
"status": "SUCCESS",
"action": "InquireClaimStatus",
"messageHeader": {
"partnerId": "05110014",
"transactionId": "validationtest4"
"claimStatus": [
"productType": "HPK",
"policyNumber": "H0013368",
"claimStatus": "New",
"policyHolderName": "TEST TEST",
"dateOfLoss": "2023-11-09"

This API endpoint allows a partner to register a claim for any valid QBE policy if the date of loss falls within the policy’s period of cover.


POST /claims


Parameter Description Passed in Required
x-Partner-Id Unique identifier of the client making the API call HTTP Header Yes
x-Transaction-Id Unique ID for the request message HTTP Header Yes
country 3-digit ISO code for countries Request body Yes
policyNumber Policy number of the claim being made Request body Yes
dateOfLoss Date of Loss or when the incident occurred Request body Yes
policyHolderName Policyholder’s full name (as indicated in policy) Request body Yes
securityNumber Policy Holder’s Security ID Number (HKID or Passport Number as indicated in policy) Request body Yes
incidentLocation 3-digit ISO code for country where the incident/loss occurred Request body Yes
incidentDescription Description of the incident Request body Yes
amountClaimedCurrency 3-digit ISO code for country currency of the total amount to be claimed Request body Yes
amountClaimed Total amount to be claimed Request body Yes
isClaimCoveredByOtherInsurer Boolean indicator to know if the claim is covered by other insurance policy Request body Yes
claimantName Name of person creating the claim Request body Yes
contactNumber Claimant contact number Request body Yes
Email Claimant email address Request body Yes
sendNotifToAgent Flag to send updates to agent Request body Yes
otherInsurerDetails Information required if claim is covered by other insurer Request body No
bankDetails Bank details and information where claim amount will be deposited Request body Yes


Parameter Description Passed in
status SUCCESS / WARNING / ERROR Response body
messages Any detailed message for WARNING or ERROR results Response body
claimDetails Claim Details with claim number Response body


Sample Request Sample Response
"country": "SGP",
"policyNumber": "H0013368",
"dateOfLoss": "2023-11-10",
"policyHolderName": "TEST TEST",
"securityNumber": "S4978444I",
"incidentLocation": "SGP",
"incidentDescription": "accident test",
"amountClaimedCurrency": "HKD",
"amountClaimed": 300.0,
"isClaimCoveredByOtherInsurer": false,
"claimantName": "ABCD",
"contactNumberCountryCode": "+1",
"contactNumber": "12345678",
"email": "[email protected]",
"sendNotifToAgent": true,
"bankDetails": {
"accountHolderName": "TEST TEST",
"bankCode": "004 | HSBC",
"branchCode": 123,
"accountNumber": 123456789
"action": "LodgeClaim",
"messageHeader": {
"partnerId": "05110014",
"transactionId": "createClaim-1023-0258"
"status": "Success",
"productType": "HPK",
"claimNumber": "",
"notificationNumber": "CN-SG-9514",
"policyNumber": "H0013368",
"policyHolderName": "TEST TEST",
"dateOfLoss": "2023-11-10"

Personal Accident

This API endpoint performs premium calculation and business validation on the provided information to determine if it can be processed as a straight-through transaction.


POST /quotes/premiums


Parameter Description Passed in Required
x-Partner-Id Unique identifier of the client making the API call HTTP Header Yes
x-Transaction-Id Unique ID for the request message HTTP Header Yes
Policy Full Policy Information Request body Yes


Parameter Description Passed in
status SUCCESS / WARNING / ERROR Response body
messages Any detailed message for WARNING or ERROR results Response body
premium Calculated price / premium Response body


Sample Request Sample Response
"country": "SGP",
"inceptionDate": "2023-01-16",
"expiryDate": "2024-01-15",
"risks": [
"riskNumber": "0",
"attachmentDate": "2023-01-16",
"personalAccident": {
"insuredPersons": [
"adultChild": "AD",
"occupation": "01",
"optionalCover": {
"includeOptionCover": false
"plan": "PA",
"dateOfBirth": "21/01/1981"
"occupation": "01",
"optionalCover": {
"includeOptionCover": false
"adultChild": "AD",
"plan": "PB",
"dateOfBirth": "30/01/1980"
"optionalCover": {
"includeOptionCover": false
"adultChild": "CH",
"occupation": "",
"plan": "PC",
"dateOfBirth": "23/01/2008",
"studyingFulltime": "Y"
"numOfInsured": "3"
"status": "SUCCESS",
"action": "quoteRate",
"messageHeader": {
"partnerId": "05110014",
"transactionId": "motorTestSGP"
"premium": {
"annualPremium": 460,
"premiumDue": 460,
"gst": 36.8,
"totalDue": 496.8,
"totalDiscount": 0,
"totalLoading": 0,
"totalCommission": {
"commissionRate": 35,
"commissionAmount": 161
"charges": []

This API endpoint allows a partner to save a quotation to with QBE that can be retrieved or converted to a policy later within 30-60 days, depending on the product.


POST /quotes


Parameter Description Passed in Required
x-Partner-Id Unique identifier of the client making the API call HTTP Header Yes
x-Transaction-Id Unique ID for the request message HTTP Header Yes
Policy Full quote Information Request body Yes
suppressCustDocsFlag boolean to determine if customer documents will be sent to client (default: false) URL No


Parameter Description Passed in
status SUCCESS / WARNING / ERROR Response body
messages Any detailed message for WARNING or ERROR results Response body
quoteNumber Unique quote number allocated by QBE Response body
quoteStatus ISSUED / ISSUED WITH REFERRAL Response body


Sample Request Sample Response
"country": "SGP",
"inceptionDate": "2023-12-18",
"expiryDate": "2024-12-17",
"client": {
"email": "[email protected]",
"clientAddress": {
"streetName": "sgp street",
"country": "SGP",
"postcode": "567890"
"fullName": "Test Test",
"birthDate": "1976-01-28",
"nationality": "SGP",
"NRICorFIN": "S5009499E"
"risks": [
"riskNumber": "0",
"attachmentDate": "2023-01-16",
"personalAccident": {
"insuredPersons": [
"occupation": "01",
"classType": "C1",
"optionalCover": {
"includeOptionCover": false
"adultChild": "AD",
"plan": "PC",
"givenName": "Raymond",
"idNumber": "A5678903",
"dateOfBirth": "1993-01-01"
"occupation": "01",
"classType": "C1",
"optionalCover": {
"includeOptionCover": false
"adultChild": "AD",
"plan": "PC",
"givenName": "Raymond2",
"idNumber": "B5678903",
"dateOfBirth": "1964-02-02"
"optionalCover": {
"includeOptionCover": false
"adultChild": "CH",
"plan": "PC",
"givenName": "Raymond Jr",
"idNumber": "C5678903",
"dateOfBirth": "2009-01-01",
"studyingFulltime": "Y"
"numOfInsured": 3,
"historyQuestions": {
"past3Years": false,
"past3YearsText": "",
"declinedInsurance": false,
"declinedInsuranceText": "",
"notPartOfFamily": false
"status": "SUCCESS",
"action": "issueQuote",
"messageHeader": {
"partnerId": "05110014",
"transactionId": "motorTestSGP"
"quoteNumber": "00228012",
"quoteStatus": "SAVED QUOTE"

This API endpoint allows a partner to officially bind a policy with QBE. The transaction will send the policy documents to the indicated insured’s e-mail address.


POST /policies


Parameter Description Passed in Required
x-Partner-Id Unique identifier of the client making the API call HTTP Header Yes
x-Transaction-Id Unique ID for the request message HTTP Header Yes
Policy Full Policy Information Request body Yes
suppressCustDocsFlag boolean to determine if customer documents will be sent to client (default: false) URL No


Parameter Description Passed in
status SUCCESS / WARNING / ERROR Response body
messages Any detailed message for WARNING or ERROR results Response body
policyNumber Unique policy number allocated by QBE Response body
policyStatus INFORCED / NEW BUSINESS REFERRED Response body


Sample Request Sample Response
"country": "SGP",
"inceptionDate": "2023-12-18",
"expiryDate": "2024-12-17",
"client": {
"email": "[email protected]",
"clientAddress": {
"streetName": "sgp street",
"country": "SGP",
"postcode": "567890"
"fullName": "Test Test",
"birthDate": "1976-01-28",
"nationality": "SGP",
"NRICorFIN": "S5009499E"
"risks": [
"riskNumber": "0",
"attachmentDate": "2023-01-16",
"personalAccident": {
"insuredPersons": [
"occupation": "01",
"classType": "C1",
"optionalCover": {
"includeOptionCover": false
"adultChild": "AD",
"plan": "PC",
"givenName": "Raymond",
"idNumber": "A5678903",
"dateOfBirth": "1993-01-01"
"occupation": "01",
"classType": "C1",
"optionalCover": {
"includeOptionCover": false
"adultChild": "AD",
"plan": "PC",
"givenName": "Raymond2",
"idNumber": "B5678903",
"dateOfBirth": "1964-02-02"
"optionalCover": {
"includeOptionCover": false
"adultChild": "CH",
"plan": "PC",
"givenName": "Raymond Jr",
"idNumber": "C5678903",
"dateOfBirth": "2009-01-01",
"studyingFulltime": "Y"
"numOfInsured": 3,
"historyQuestions": {
"past3Years": false,
"past3YearsText": "",
"declinedInsurance": false,
"declinedInsuranceText": "",
"notPartOfFamily": false
"status": "SUCCESS",
"action": "quoteUpdate",
"messageHeader": {
"partnerId": "05110014",
"transactionId": "issuePolicyPA"
"policyNumber": "A0020396",

This API endpoint allows a partner to provide an existing quote number to QBE and QBE will automatically retrieve the details of the quote and convert to a New Business inforced policy internally.


POST /policies/convert


Parameter Description Passed in Required
x-Partner-Id Unique identifier of the client making the API call HTTP Header Yes
x-Transaction-Id Unique ID for the request message HTTP Header Yes
quoteDetails Quote Number and Country Request body Yes
suppressCustDocsFlag boolean to determine if customer documents will be sent to client (default: false) URL No


Parameter Description Passed in
status SUCCESS / WARNING / ERROR Response body
messages Any detailed message for WARNING or ERROR results Response body
policyNumber Unique policy number allocated by QBE Response body
policyStatus INFORCED NEW BUSINESS / REFERRED Response body


Sample Request Sample Response
"quoteNumber": "00219456",
"country": "SGP"
"status": "SUCCESS",
"messageHeader": {
"partnerId": "01001521",
"transactionId": "test2"
"policyNumber": "A0019652",

This API endpoint returns the full quote information saved in QBE’s systems.


GET /quotes/{country}/{quote_id}


Parameter Description Passed in Required
x-Partner-Id Unique identifier of the client making the API call HTTP Header Yes
x-Transaction-Id Unique ID for the request message HTTP Header Yes
country HKG, SGP URL Yes
quote_id Unique QBE quote number URL Yes
suppressCustDocsFlag boolean to determine if customer documents will be sent to client (default: false) URL No


Parameter Description Passed in
status SUCCESS / WARNING / ERROR Response body
messages Any detailed message for WARNING or ERROR results Response body
Policy Full Saved Quote Information Response body


Sample Request Sample Response
N/A {
"status": "SUCCESS",
"action": "loadQuote",
"messageHeader": {
"partnerId": "05110014",
"transactionId": "getQuote"
"policy": {
"policyNumber": "00228012",
"policyStatus": "SAVED QUOTE",
"country": "SGP",
"inceptionDate": "2023-12-18",
"effectiveDate": "2023-12-18",
"expiryDate": "2024-12-17",
"client": {
"clientKey": "03477361",
"clientAddress": {
"floorNumber": "",
"buildingName": "",
"streetName": "SGP STREET",
"district": "",
"city": "",
"province": "",
"country": "SGP",
"postcode": "567890",
"state": ""
"email": "[email protected]",
"phone": "",
"fullName": "TEST TEST",
"gender": "",
"salutation": "",
"birthDate": "1976-01-28",
"nationality": "SGP",
"NRICorFIN": "S5009499E"
"risks": [
"personalAccident": {
"insuredPersons": [
"givenName": "Raymond",
"adultChild": "AD",
"dateOfBirth": "1993-01-01",
"idNumber": "A5678903",
"plan": "PC",
"occupation": "01",
"classType": "C1",
"extension": "",
"studyingFulltime": "N",
"situationNumberForMessaging": "0",
"optionalCover": {
"isHospitalCash": false,
"isTempTotalDisablement": false,
"includeOptionCover": false
"givenName": "Raymond2",
"adultChild": "AD",
"dateOfBirth": "1964-02-02",
"idNumber": "B5678903",
"plan": "PC",
"occupation": "01",
"classType": "C1",
"extension": "",
"studyingFulltime": "N",
"situationNumberForMessaging": "0",
"optionalCover": {
"isHospitalCash": false,
"isTempTotalDisablement": false,
"includeOptionCover": false
"givenName": "Raymond Jr",
"adultChild": "CH",
"dateOfBirth": "2009-01-01",
"idNumber": "C5678903",
"plan": "PC",
"occupation": "",
"classType": "",
"extension": "",
"studyingFulltime": "Y",
"situationNumberForMessaging": "0",
"optionalCover": {
"isHospitalCash": false,
"isTempTotalDisablement": false,
"includeOptionCover": false
"numOfInsured": "3",
"historyQuestions": {
"past3Years": false,
"declinedInsurance": false,
"notPartOfFamily": false
"riskNumber": "3",
"attachmentDate": "2023-12-18"
"premium": {
"annualPremium": 1270,
"premiumDue": 1270,
"gst": 101.6,
"totalDue": 1371.6,
"totalDiscount": 0,
"totalLoading": 0,
"totalCommission": {
"commissionRate": 35,
"commissionAmount": 444.5
"charges": []

This API endpoint returns the full policy information saved in QBE’s systems. This is applicable for both inforced policies and cover notes.


GET /policies/{country}/{policy_id}


Parameter Description Passed in Required
x-Partner-Id Unique identifier of the client making the API call HTTP Header Yes
x-Transaction-Id Unique ID for the request message HTTP Header Yes
country HKG, SGP URL Yes
policy_no Unique QBE policy number URL Yes


Parameter Description Passed in
status SUCCESS / WARNING / ERROR Response body
messages Any detailed message for WARNING or ERROR results Response body
policy Full policy Information Response body
premium Calculated price / premium Response body
excess Excess section details for Private Motor Response body


Sample Request Sample Response
N/A {
"status": "SUCCESS",
"action": "loadPolicy",
"messageHeader": {
"partnerId": "05110014",
"transactionId": "getPolicyTest"
"policy": {
"policyNumber": "A0020396",
"policyStatus": "INFORCED NEW BUSINESS",
"country": "SGP",
"inceptionDate": "2023-12-18",
"effectiveDate": "2023-12-18",
"expiryDate": "2024-12-17",
"client": {
"clientKey": "03477362",
"clientAddress": {
"floorNumber": "",
"buildingName": "",
"streetName": "SGP STREET",
"district": "",
"city": "",
"province": "",
"country": "SGP",
"postcode": "567890",
"state": ""
"email": "[email protected]",
"phone": "",
"fullName": "TEST TEST",
"gender": "",
"salutation": "",
"birthDate": "1976-01-28",
"nationality": "SGP",
"NRICorFIN": "S5009499E"
"risks": [
"personalAccident": {
"insuredPersons": [
"givenName": "Raymond",
"adultChild": "AD",
"dateOfBirth": "1993-01-01",
"idNumber": "A5678903",
"plan": "PC",
"occupation": "01",
"classType": "C1",
"extension": "",
"studyingFulltime": "N",
"situationNumberForMessaging": "0",
"optionalCover": {
"isHospitalCash": false,
"isTempTotalDisablement": false,
"includeOptionCover": false
"givenName": "Raymond2",
"adultChild": "AD",
"dateOfBirth": "1964-02-02",
"idNumber": "B5678903",
"plan": "PC",
"occupation": "01",
"classType": "C1",
"extension": "",
"studyingFulltime": "N",
"situationNumberForMessaging": "0",
"optionalCover": {
"isHospitalCash": false,
"isTempTotalDisablement": false,
"includeOptionCover": false
"givenName": "Raymond Jr",
"adultChild": "CH",
"dateOfBirth": "2009-01-01",
"idNumber": "C5678903",
"plan": "PC",
"occupation": "",
"classType": "",
"extension": "",
"studyingFulltime": "Y",
"situationNumberForMessaging": "0",
"optionalCover": {
"isHospitalCash": false,
"isTempTotalDisablement": false,
"includeOptionCover": false
"numOfInsured": "3",
"historyQuestions": {
"past3Years": false,
"declinedInsurance": false,
"notPartOfFamily": false
"riskNumber": "3",
"attachmentDate": "2023-12-18"
"premium": {
"annualPremium": 1270,
"premiumDue": 1270,
"gst": 101.6,
"totalDue": 1371.6,
"totalDiscount": 0,
"totalLoading": 0,
"totalCommission": {
"commissionRate": 35,
"commissionAmount": 444.5
"charges": []

This API endpoint allows a partner to download the policy documents as PDF data for an existing quote or policy.


GET /documents/{country}/{policy_id}


Parameter Description Passed in Required
x-Partner-Id Unique identifier of the client making the API call HTTP Header Yes
x-Transaction-Id Unique ID for the request message HTTP Header Yes
country HKG, SGP URL Yes
policy_id Unique QBE quote or policy number Request body Yes
suppressCustDocsFlag boolean to determine if customer documents will be sent to client (default: false) URL No


Parameter Description Passed in
status SUCCESS / WARNING / ERROR Response body
messages Any detailed message for WARNING or ERROR results Response body
documents List of available documents and downloadable URLs Response body


Sample Request Sample Response
N/A {
"status": "SUCCESS",
"action": "addressSearch",
"messageHeader": {
"partnerId": "05110014",
"transactionId": "testQualys-Locations"
"address": [
"accumulationRegister": "260007",
"addressDisplay": "260007: B) BLK 7 EMPRESS RD HAWKER CTR, S260007, SINGAPORE",
"floorNumber": "",
"buildingName": "",
"streetName": "B) BLK 7 EMPRESS RD HAWKER CTR",
"district": "",
"city": "",
"province": "",
"country": "SGP",
"postcode": "260007"

This API endpoint allows a partner to get the status of an existing claim based on its current stage in the claims process.


POST /claims/status


Parameter Description Passed in Required
x-Partner-Id Unique identifier of the client making the API call HTTP Header Yes
x-Transaction-Id Unique ID for the request message HTTP Header Yes
claimNumber Claim Number lodged Request body Yes
policyNumber Policy number of the claim being made Request body Yes
policyType Type of Policy Request body Yes
Name Policyholder’s full name (as indicated in policy) Request body Yes
idNumber Policy Holder’s Security ID Number (HKID or Passport Number as indicated in policy) Request body Yes


Parameter Description Passed in
status SUCCESS / WARNING / ERROR Response body
messages Any detailed message for WARNING or ERROR results Response body
claimStatus Array of claims with claim status associated with the requested claim number or policy number Response body


Sample Request Sample Response
"claimNumber": "",
"policyNumber": "A0018966",
"country": "SGP",
"name": "AUTOTEST CORP2",
"idNumber": "123456",
"policyType": "generic"
"status": "SUCCESS",
"action": "InquireClaimStatus",
"messageHeader": {
"partnerId": "05110014",
"transactionId": "A0018966"
"claimStatus": [
"productType": "PAD",
"claimNumber": "AC009641",
"policyNumber": "A0018966",
"claimStatus": "Claim Received",
"policyHolderName": "AUTOTEST CORP2",
"dateOfLoss": "2023-01-01"

This API endpoint allows a partner to register a claim for any valid QBE policy if the date of loss falls within the policy’s period of cover.


POST /claims


Parameter Description Passed in Required
x-Partner-Id Unique identifier of the client making the API call HTTP Header Yes
x-Transaction-Id Unique ID for the request message HTTP Header Yes
country 3-digit ISO code for countries Request body Yes
policyNumber Policy number of the claim being made Request body Yes
dateOfLoss Date of Loss or when the incident occurred Request body Yes
policyHolderName Policyholder’s full name (as indicated in policy) Request body Yes
securityNumber Policy Holder’s Security ID Number (HKID or Passport Number as indicated in policy) Request body Yes
incidentLocation 3-digit ISO code for country where the incident/loss occurred Request body Yes
incidentDescription Description of the incident Request body Yes
amountClaimedCurrency 3-digit ISO code for country currency of the total amount to be claimed Request body Yes
amountClaimed Total amount to be claimed Request body Yes
isClaimCoveredByOtherInsurer Boolean indicator to know if the claim is covered by other insurance policy Request body Yes
claimantName Name of person creating the claim Request body Yes
contactNumber Claimant contact number Request body Yes
Email Claimant email address Request body Yes
sendNotifToAgent Flag to send updates to agent Request body Yes
otherInsurerDetails Information required if claim is covered by other insurer Request body No
bankDetails Bank details and information where claim amount will be deposited Request body Yes


Parameter Description Passed in
status SUCCESS / WARNING / ERROR Response body
messages Any detailed message for WARNING or ERROR results Response body
claimDetails Claim Details with claim number Response body


Sample Request Sample Response
"country": "SGP",
"policyNumber": "A0020396",
"dateOfLoss": "2023-11-10",
"policyHolderName": "TEST TEST",
"securityNumber": "S5009499E",
"incidentLocation": "SGP",
"incidentDescription": "accident test",
"amountClaimedCurrency": "HKD",
"amountClaimed": 300.0,
"isClaimCoveredByOtherInsurer": false,
"claimantName": "ABCD",
"contactNumberCountryCode": "+1",
"contactNumber": "12345678",
"email": "[email protected]",
"sendNotifToAgent": true,
"bankDetails": {
"accountHolderName": "TEST TEST",
"bankCode": "004 | HSBC",
"branchCode": 123,
"accountNumber": 123456789
"action": "LodgeClaim",
"messageHeader": {
"partnerId": "05110014",
"transactionId": "createClaim-1023-0258"
"status": "Success",
"productType": "PAN",
"claimNumber": "",
"notificationNumber": "CN-SG-9513",
"policyNumber": "A0020396",
"policyHolderName": "TEST TEST",
"dateOfLoss": "2023-11-10"

Need more help?