This API endpoint performs premium calculation and business validation on the provided information to determine if it can be processed as a straight-through transaction.
POST /quotes/premiums
Parameter | Description | Passed in | Required |
x-Partner-Id | Unique identifier of the client making the API call | HTTP Header | Yes |
x-Transaction-Id | Unique ID for the request message | HTTP Header | Yes |
Policy | Full Policy Information | Request body | Yes |
Parameter | Description | Passed in |
status | SUCCESS / WARNING / ERROR | Response body |
messages | Any detailed message for WARNING or ERROR results | Response body |
premium | Calculated price / premium | Request body |
Sample Request | Sample Response |
This API endpoint allows a partner to officially bind a policy with QBE. The transaction will send the policy documents to the indicated insured’s e-mail address.
POST /policies
Parameter | Description | Passed in | Required |
x-Partner-Id | Unique identifier of the client making the API call | HTTP Header | Yes |
x-Transaction-Id | Unique ID for the request message | HTTP Header | Yes |
Policy | Full Policy Information | Request body | Yes |
suppressCustDocsFlag | boolean to determine if customer documents will be sent to client (default: false) | URL | No |
Parameter | Description | Passed in |
status | SUCCESS / WARNING / ERROR | Response body |
messages | Any detailed message for WARNING or ERROR results | Request body |
policyNumber | Unique policy number allocated by QBE | Response body |
policyStatus | INFORCED / NEW BUSINESS REFERRED | Response body |
Sample Request | Sample Response |
This API endpoint returns the full policy information saved in QBE’s systems. This is applicable for both inforced policies and cover notes.
GET /policies/{country}/{policy_id}
Parameter | Description | Passed in | Required |
x-Partner-Id | Unique identifier of the client making the API call | HTTP Header | Yes |
x-Transaction-Id | Unique ID for the request message | HTTP Header | Yes |
country | HKG, SGP | URL | Yes |
policy_no | Unique QBE policy number | URL | Yes |
Parameter | Description | Passed in |
status | SUCCESS / WARNING / ERROR | Response body |
messages | Any detailed message for WARNING or ERROR results | Response body |
policy | Full policy Information | Response body |
premium | Calculated price / premium | Response body |
excess | Excess section details for Private Motor | Response body |
Sample Request | Sample Response |
N/A |
This API endpoint allows a partner to download the policy documents as PDF data for an existing quote or policy.
GET /documents/{country}/{policy_id}
Parameter | Description | Passed in | Required |
x-Partner-Id | Unique identifier of the client making the API call | HTTP Header | Yes |
x-Transaction-Id | Unique ID for the request message | HTTP Header | Yes |
country | HKG, SGP | URL | Yes |
policy_id | Unique QBE quote or policy number | URL | Yes |
suppressCustDocsFlag | boolean to determine if customer documents will be sent to client (default: false) | URL | No |
Parameter | Description | Passed in |
status | SUCCESS / WARNING / ERROR | Response body |
messages | Any detailed message for WARNING or ERROR results | Response body |
documents | List of available documents and downloadable URLs | Response body |
Sample Request | Sample Response |
N/A |
This API endpoint allows a partner to get the status of an existing claim based on its current stage in the claims process.
POST /claims/status
Parameter | Description | Passed in | Required |
x-Partner-Id | Unique identifier of the client making the API call | HTTP Header | Yes |
x-Transaction-Id | Unique ID for the request message | HTTP Header | Yes |
claimNumber | Claim Number lodged | Request body | Yes |
policyNumber | Policy number of the claim being made | Request body | Yes |
country | HKG, SGP | Request body | Yes |
policyType | Type of Policy | Request body | Yes |
Name | Policyholder’s full name (as indicated in policy) | Request body | Yes |
idNumber | Policy Holder’s Security ID Number (HKID or Passport Number as indicated in policy) | Request body | Yes |
Parameter | Description | Passed in |
status | SUCCESS / WARNING / ERROR | Response body |
messages | Any detailed message for WARNING or ERROR results | Response body |
claimStatus | Array of claims with claim status associated with the requested claim number or policy number | Response body |
Sample Request | Sample Response |
This API endpoint allows a partner to register a claim for any valid QBE policy if the date of loss falls within the policy’s period of cover.
POST /claims
Parameter | Description | Passed in | Required |
x-Partner-Id | Unique identifier of the client making the API call | HTTP Header | Yes |
x-Transaction-Id | Unique ID for the request message | HTTP Header | Yes |
country | 3-digit ISO code for countries | Request body | Yes |
policyNumber | Policy number of the claim being made | Request body | Yes |
dateOfLoss | Date of Loss or when the incident occurred | Request body | Yes |
policyHolderName | Policyholder’s full name (as indicated in policy) | Request body | Yes |
securityNumber | Policy Holder’s Security ID Number (HKID or Passport Number) | Request body | Yes |
incidentLocation | 3-digit ISO code for country where the incident/loss occurred | Request body | Yes |
incidentDescription | Description of the incident | Request body | Yes |
amountClaimedCurrency | 3-digit ISO code for country currency of the total amount to be claimed | Request body | Yes |
amountClaimed | Total amount to be claimed | Request body | Yes |
isClaimCoveredByOtherInsurer | Boolean indicator to know if the claim is covered by other insurance policy | Request body | Yes |
claimantName | Name of person creating the claim | Request body | Yes |
contactNumber | Claimant contact number | Request body | Yes |
Claimant email address | Request body | Yes | |
sendNotifToAgent | Flag to send updates to agent | Request body | Yes |
otherInsurerDetails | Information required if claim is covered by other insurer | Request body | No |
bankDetails | Bank details and information where claim amount will be deposited | Request body | Yes |
Parameter | Description | Passed in |
status | SUCCESS / WARNING / ERROR | Response body |
messages | Any detailed message for WARNING or ERROR results | Response body |
claimDetails | Claim Details with claim number | Response body |
Sample Request | Sample Response |
This API endpoint performs premium calculation and business validation on the provided information to determine if it can be processed as a straight-through transaction.
POST /quotes/premiums
Parameter | Description | Passed in | Required |
x-Partner-Id | Unique identifier of the client making the API call | HTTP Header | Yes |
x-Transaction-Id | Unique ID for the request message | HTTP Header | Yes |
Policy | Full Policy Information | Request body | Yes |
Parameter | Description | Passed in |
status | SUCCESS / WARNING / ERROR | Response body |
messages | Any detailed message for WARNING or ERROR results | Response body |
premium | Calculated price / premium | Request body |
Sample Request | Sample Response |
This API endpoint allows a partner to save a quotation to with QBE that can be retrieved or converted to a policy later within 30-60 days, depending on the product.
POST /quotes
Parameter | Description | Passed in | Required |
x-Partner-Id | Unique identifier of the client making the API call | HTTP Header | Yes |
x-Transaction-Id | Unique ID for the request message | HTTP Header | Yes |
Policy | Full quote Information | Request body | Yes |
suppressCustDocsFlag | boolean to determine if customer documents will be sent to client (default: false) | URL | No |
Parameter | Description | Passed in |
status | SUCCESS / WARNING / ERROR | Response body |
messages | Any detailed message for WARNING or ERROR results | Response body |
quoteNumber | Unique quote number allocated by QBE | Response body |
quoteStatus | ISSUED / ISSUED WITH REFERRAL | Response body |
Sample Request | Sample Response |
This API endpoint allows a partner to officially bind a policy with QBE. The transaction will send the policy documents to the indicated insured’s e-mail address.
POST /policies
Parameter | Description | Passed in | Required |
x-Partner-Id | Unique identifier of the client making the API call | HTTP Header | Yes |
x-Transaction-Id | Unique ID for the request message | HTTP Header | Yes |
Policy | Full Policy Information | Request body | Yes |
suppressCustDocsFlag | boolean to determine if customer documents will be sent to client (default: false) | URL | No |
Parameter | Description | Passed in |
status | SUCCESS / WARNING / ERROR | Response body |
messages | Any detailed message for WARNING or ERROR results | Response body |
policyNumber | Unique policy number allocated by QBE | Response body |
policyStatus | INFORCED / NEW BUSINESS REFERRED | Response body |
Sample Request | Sample Response |
{ |
This API endpoint allows a partner to provide an existing quote number to QBE and QBE will automatically retrieve the details of the quote and convert to a New Business inforced policy internally.
POST /policies/convert
Parameter | Description | Passed in | Required |
x-Partner-Id | Unique identifier of the client making the API call | HTTP Header | Yes |
x-Transaction-Id | Unique ID for the request message | HTTP Header | Yes |
quoteDetails | Quote Number and Country | Request body | Yes |
suppressCustDocsFlag | boolean to determine if customer documents will be sent to client (default: false) | URL | No |
Parameter | Description | Passed in |
status | SUCCESS / WARNING / ERROR | Response body |
messages | Any detailed message for WARNING or ERROR results | Response body |
policyNumber | Unique policy number allocated by QBE | Response body |
policyStatus | INFORCED NEW BUSINESS / REFERRED | Response body |
Sample Request | Sample Response |
This API endpoint returns the full quote information saved in QBE’s systems.
GET /quotes/{country}/{quote_id}
Parameter | Description | Passed in | Required |
x-Partner-Id | Unique identifier of the client making the API call | HTTP Header | Yes |
x-Transaction-Id | Unique ID for the request message | HTTP Header | Yes |
country | HKG, SGP | URL | Yes |
quote_id | Unique QBE quote number | URL | Yes |
suppressCustDocsFlag | boolean to determine if customer documents will be sent to client (default: false) | URL | No |
Parameter | Description | Passed in |
status | SUCCESS / WARNING / ERROR | Response body |
messages | Any detailed message for WARNING or ERROR results | Response body |
Policy | Full Saved Quote Information | Response body |
Sample Request | Sample Response |
N/A |
{ |
This API endpoint returns the full policy information saved in QBE’s systems. This is applicable for both inforced policies and cover notes.
GET /policies/{country}/{policy_id}
Parameter | Description | Passed in | Required |
x-Partner-Id | Unique identifier of the client making the API call | HTTP Header | Yes |
x-Transaction-Id | Unique ID for the request message | HTTP Header | Yes |
country | HKG, SGP | URL | Yes |
policy_no | Unique QBE policy number | URL | Yes |
Parameter | Description | Passed in |
status | SUCCESS / WARNING / ERROR | Response body |
messages | Any detailed message for WARNING or ERROR results | Response body |
policy | Full policy Information | Response body |
premium | Calculated price / premium | Response body |
excess | Excess section details for Private Motor | Response body |
Sample Request | Sample Response |
N/A |
This API endpoint allows a partner to search and select a location or address for a Home quote or policy. For Hong Kong, the partner can pass any text string. For Singapore, the partner can pass the Singaporean post codes.
GET /locations/{country}?queryString={queryString}
Parameter | Description | Passed in | Required |
x-Partner-Id | Unique identifier of the client making the API call | HTTP Header | Yes |
x-Transaction-Id | Unique ID for the request message | HTTP Header | Yes |
country | HKG, SGP | URL | Yes |
queryString | For Hong Kong, enter the text to search. For Singapore, enter the postcode to search. | URL | Yes |
Parameter | Description | Passed in |
addresses | List of addresses with their IDs and details | Response body |
Sample Request | Sample Response |
N/A |
This API endpoint allows a partner to download the policy documents as PDF data for an existing quote or policy.
GET /documents/{country}/{policy_id}
Parameter | Description | Passed in | Required |
x-Partner-Id | Unique identifier of the client making the API call | HTTP Header | Yes |
x-Transaction-Id | Unique ID for the request message | HTTP Header | Yes |
country | HKG, SGP | URL | Yes |
policy_id | Unique QBE quote or policy number | URL | Yes |
suppressCustDocsFlag | boolean to determine if customer documents will be sent to client (default: false) | URL | No |
Parameter | Description | Passed in |
status | SUCCESS / WARNING / ERROR | Response body |
messages | Any detailed message for WARNING or ERROR results | Response body |
documents | List of available documents and downloadable URLs | Response body |
Sample Request | Sample Response |
N/A |
This API endpoint allows a partner to get the status of an existing claim based on its current stage in the claims process.
POST /claims/status
Parameter | Description | Passed in | Required |
x-Partner-Id | Unique identifier of the client making the API call | HTTP Header | Yes |
x-Transaction-Id | Unique ID for the request message | HTTP Header | Yes |
claimNumber | Claim Number lodged | Request body | Yes |
policyNumber | Policy number of the claim being made | Request body | Yes |
country | HKG, SGP | Request body | Yes |
policyType | Type of Policy | Request body | Yes |
Name | Policyholder’s full name (as indicated in policy) | Request body | Yes |
idNumber | Policy Holder’s Security ID Number (HKID or Passport Number as indicated in policy) | Request body | Yes |
Parameter | Description | Passed in |
status | SUCCESS / WARNING / ERROR | Response body |
messages | Any detailed message for WARNING or ERROR results | Response body |
claimStatus | Array of claims with claim status associated with the requested claim number or policy number | Response body |
Sample Request | Sample Response |
This API endpoint allows a partner to register a claim for any valid QBE policy if the date of loss falls within the policy’s period of cover.
POST /claims
Parameter | Description | Passed in | Required |
x-Partner-Id | Unique identifier of the client making the API call | HTTP Header | Yes |
x-Transaction-Id | Unique ID for the request message | HTTP Header | Yes |
country | 3-digit ISO code for countries | Request body | Yes |
policyNumber | Policy number of the claim being made | Request body | Yes |
dateOfLoss | Date of Loss or when the incident occurred | Request body | Yes |
policyHolderName | Policyholder’s full name (as indicated in policy) | Request body | Yes |
securityNumber | Policy Holder’s Security ID Number (HKID or Passport Number as indicated in policy) | Request body | Yes |
incidentLocation | 3-digit ISO code for country where the incident/loss occurred | Request body | Yes |
incidentDescription | Description of the incident | Request body | Yes |
amountClaimedCurrency | 3-digit ISO code for country currency of the total amount to be claimed | Request body | Yes |
amountClaimed | Total amount to be claimed | Request body | Yes |
isClaimCoveredByOtherInsurer | Boolean indicator to know if the claim is covered by other insurance policy | Request body | Yes |
claimantName | Name of person creating the claim | Request body | Yes |
contactNumber | Claimant contact number | Request body | Yes |
Claimant email address | Request body | Yes | |
sendNotifToAgent | Flag to send updates to agent | Request body | Yes |
otherInsurerDetails | Information required if claim is covered by other insurer | Request body | No |
bankDetails | Bank details and information where claim amount will be deposited | Request body | Yes |
Parameter | Description | Passed in |
status | SUCCESS / WARNING / ERROR | Response body |
messages | Any detailed message for WARNING or ERROR results | Response body |
claimDetails | Claim Details with claim number | Response body |
Sample Request | Sample Response |
Personal Accident
This API endpoint performs premium calculation and business validation on the provided information to determine if it can be processed as a straight-through transaction.
POST /quotes/premiums
Parameter | Description | Passed in | Required |
x-Partner-Id | Unique identifier of the client making the API call | HTTP Header | Yes |
x-Transaction-Id | Unique ID for the request message | HTTP Header | Yes |
Policy | Full Policy Information | Request body | Yes |
Parameter | Description | Passed in |
status | SUCCESS / WARNING / ERROR | Response body |
messages | Any detailed message for WARNING or ERROR results | Response body |
premium | Calculated price / premium | Response body |
Sample Request | Sample Response |
This API endpoint allows a partner to save a quotation to with QBE that can be retrieved or converted to a policy later within 30-60 days, depending on the product.
POST /quotes
Parameter | Description | Passed in | Required |
x-Partner-Id | Unique identifier of the client making the API call | HTTP Header | Yes |
x-Transaction-Id | Unique ID for the request message | HTTP Header | Yes |
Policy | Full quote Information | Request body | Yes |
suppressCustDocsFlag | boolean to determine if customer documents will be sent to client (default: false) | URL | No |
Parameter | Description | Passed in |
status | SUCCESS / WARNING / ERROR | Response body |
messages | Any detailed message for WARNING or ERROR results | Response body |
quoteNumber | Unique quote number allocated by QBE | Response body |
quoteStatus | ISSUED / ISSUED WITH REFERRAL | Response body |
Sample Request | Sample Response |
This API endpoint allows a partner to officially bind a policy with QBE. The transaction will send the policy documents to the indicated insured’s e-mail address.
POST /policies
Parameter | Description | Passed in | Required |
x-Partner-Id | Unique identifier of the client making the API call | HTTP Header | Yes |
x-Transaction-Id | Unique ID for the request message | HTTP Header | Yes |
Policy | Full Policy Information | Request body | Yes |
suppressCustDocsFlag | boolean to determine if customer documents will be sent to client (default: false) | URL | No |
Parameter | Description | Passed in |
status | SUCCESS / WARNING / ERROR | Response body |
messages | Any detailed message for WARNING or ERROR results | Response body |
policyNumber | Unique policy number allocated by QBE | Response body |
policyStatus | INFORCED / NEW BUSINESS REFERRED | Response body |
Sample Request | Sample Response |
This API endpoint allows a partner to provide an existing quote number to QBE and QBE will automatically retrieve the details of the quote and convert to a New Business inforced policy internally.
POST /policies/convert
Parameter | Description | Passed in | Required |
x-Partner-Id | Unique identifier of the client making the API call | HTTP Header | Yes |
x-Transaction-Id | Unique ID for the request message | HTTP Header | Yes |
quoteDetails | Quote Number and Country | Request body | Yes |
suppressCustDocsFlag | boolean to determine if customer documents will be sent to client (default: false) | URL | No |
Parameter | Description | Passed in |
status | SUCCESS / WARNING / ERROR | Response body |
messages | Any detailed message for WARNING or ERROR results | Response body |
policyNumber | Unique policy number allocated by QBE | Response body |
policyStatus | INFORCED NEW BUSINESS / REFERRED | Response body |
Sample Request | Sample Response |
This API endpoint returns the full quote information saved in QBE’s systems.
GET /quotes/{country}/{quote_id}
Parameter | Description | Passed in | Required |
x-Partner-Id | Unique identifier of the client making the API call | HTTP Header | Yes |
x-Transaction-Id | Unique ID for the request message | HTTP Header | Yes |
country | HKG, SGP | URL | Yes |
quote_id | Unique QBE quote number | URL | Yes |
suppressCustDocsFlag | boolean to determine if customer documents will be sent to client (default: false) | URL | No |
Parameter | Description | Passed in |
status | SUCCESS / WARNING / ERROR | Response body |
messages | Any detailed message for WARNING or ERROR results | Response body |
Policy | Full Saved Quote Information | Response body |
Sample Request | Sample Response |
This API endpoint returns the full policy information saved in QBE’s systems. This is applicable for both inforced policies and cover notes.
GET /policies/{country}/{policy_id}
Parameter | Description | Passed in | Required |
x-Partner-Id | Unique identifier of the client making the API call | HTTP Header | Yes |
x-Transaction-Id | Unique ID for the request message | HTTP Header | Yes |
country | HKG, SGP | URL | Yes |
policy_no | Unique QBE policy number | URL | Yes |
Parameter | Description | Passed in |
status | SUCCESS / WARNING / ERROR | Response body |
messages | Any detailed message for WARNING or ERROR results | Response body |
policy | Full policy Information | Response body |
premium | Calculated price / premium | Response body |
excess | Excess section details for Private Motor | Response body |
Sample Request | Sample Response |
This API endpoint allows a partner to download the policy documents as PDF data for an existing quote or policy.
GET /documents/{country}/{policy_id}
Parameter | Description | Passed in | Required |
x-Partner-Id | Unique identifier of the client making the API call | HTTP Header | Yes |
x-Transaction-Id | Unique ID for the request message | HTTP Header | Yes |
country | HKG, SGP | URL | Yes |
policy_id | Unique QBE quote or policy number | Request body | Yes |
suppressCustDocsFlag | boolean to determine if customer documents will be sent to client (default: false) | URL | No |
Parameter | Description | Passed in |
status | SUCCESS / WARNING / ERROR | Response body |
messages | Any detailed message for WARNING or ERROR results | Response body |
documents | List of available documents and downloadable URLs | Response body |
Sample Request | Sample Response |
This API endpoint allows a partner to get the status of an existing claim based on its current stage in the claims process.
POST /claims/status
Parameter | Description | Passed in | Required |
x-Partner-Id | Unique identifier of the client making the API call | HTTP Header | Yes |
x-Transaction-Id | Unique ID for the request message | HTTP Header | Yes |
claimNumber | Claim Number lodged | Request body | Yes |
policyNumber | Policy number of the claim being made | Request body | Yes |
policyType | Type of Policy | Request body | Yes |
Name | Policyholder’s full name (as indicated in policy) | Request body | Yes |
idNumber | Policy Holder’s Security ID Number (HKID or Passport Number as indicated in policy) | Request body | Yes |
Parameter | Description | Passed in |
status | SUCCESS / WARNING / ERROR | Response body |
messages | Any detailed message for WARNING or ERROR results | Response body |
claimStatus | Array of claims with claim status associated with the requested claim number or policy number | Response body |
Sample Request | Sample Response |
This API endpoint allows a partner to register a claim for any valid QBE policy if the date of loss falls within the policy’s period of cover.
POST /claims
Parameter | Description | Passed in | Required |
x-Partner-Id | Unique identifier of the client making the API call | HTTP Header | Yes |
x-Transaction-Id | Unique ID for the request message | HTTP Header | Yes |
country | 3-digit ISO code for countries | Request body | Yes |
policyNumber | Policy number of the claim being made | Request body | Yes |
dateOfLoss | Date of Loss or when the incident occurred | Request body | Yes |
policyHolderName | Policyholder’s full name (as indicated in policy) | Request body | Yes |
securityNumber | Policy Holder’s Security ID Number (HKID or Passport Number as indicated in policy) | Request body | Yes |
incidentLocation | 3-digit ISO code for country where the incident/loss occurred | Request body | Yes |
incidentDescription | Description of the incident | Request body | Yes |
amountClaimedCurrency | 3-digit ISO code for country currency of the total amount to be claimed | Request body | Yes |
amountClaimed | Total amount to be claimed | Request body | Yes |
isClaimCoveredByOtherInsurer | Boolean indicator to know if the claim is covered by other insurance policy | Request body | Yes |
claimantName | Name of person creating the claim | Request body | Yes |
contactNumber | Claimant contact number | Request body | Yes |
Claimant email address | Request body | Yes | |
sendNotifToAgent | Flag to send updates to agent | Request body | Yes |
otherInsurerDetails | Information required if claim is covered by other insurer | Request body | No |
bankDetails | Bank details and information where claim amount will be deposited | Request body | Yes |
Parameter | Description | Passed in |
status | SUCCESS / WARNING / ERROR | Response body |
messages | Any detailed message for WARNING or ERROR results | Response body |
claimDetails | Claim Details with claim number | Response body |
Sample Request | Sample Response |