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Professional Indemnity

Protection for companies and business professionals

In an environment of increased responsibility and accountability, Professional Liability insurance is an essential component of risk management for businesses providing professional services. It can provide you, your company and your executives with cover against legal liability in connection to your services rendered, the threat of litigation and any potential damage or settlements. It allows you to operate confidently and securely, with the knowledge that your professional liability exposures are covered.

QBE Professional Liability Insurance provides risk management solutions for businesses and professionals across a broad range of industries.

  • Professional Indemnity Insurance helps protect professionals against legal liability for breach of professional duty in the conduct of their professional business practice.
  • Medical Malpractice Insurance helps protect medical professionals against legal liability arising from malpractice that leads to bodily injury, sickness, illness, mental injury, or death of patients.
  • Information and Communication Technology Insurance helps protect IT professionals against legal liability for claims in connection with the provision of information and communication technology services.
  • Directors and Officers Liability Insurance helps protect company directors and officers for their personal legal liability for their wrongful acts committed in their capacity as company directors or officers.
  • Association Liability Insurance helps protect not-for-profit organisations against legal liability arising from professional services provided, as well as the management committee and employees for their management liability.
  • Commercial Crime Insurance provides coverage to companies against money, stock, goods, securities, property or funds stolen by employees or third parties. It also protects against the theft of clients’ money or property for which you are responsible.

Professional Indemnity Insurance

Any professional person or consultant providing advice or other services is exposed to claims. If a party suffers loss after relying on the advice of a professional, they may have the right to sue for their losses.

Professionals require cover to help protect them against the potential financial burden of such litigation and to help protect the reputation of their practice, their personal integrity and their assets. Cover for legal costs and expenses is important as litigation involving professionals is often complex.

It is imperative that professionals have access to specialist and quality legal representation to safeguard their interests in the most effective way. The QBE Professional Indemnity Insurance Policy is the solution to provide professionals with the confidence to face the challenges of business. Should they be faced with litigation or prosecution, they can be assured that QBE can help protect and support them. Major categories of professions covered include but are not limited to:

  • Accountants
  • Lawyers
  • Architects, Engineers and other Construction-related Professionals
  • Financial Advisers
  • Management / Business Consultants
  • Human Resource Consultants

How to obtain a quote?

Please provide us with the completed proposal form.

Medical Malpractice Insurance

The advancement in medicine in recent decades has brought new knowledge and treatment methods. On the other hand, medical risks have also increased significantly. If a patient suffers bodily injury, sickness, illness, mental injury or even death after relying on the advice or service of the medical professional or establishment, they or their legal representatives may have the right to sue for the loss.

Medical malpractice insurance covers medical professionals and establishments for negligent acts, errors or omissions arising from the rendering or failure to render medical services.

How to obtain a quote?

Please provide us with the completed proposal form.

Information and Communication Technology Insurance

If an IT professional designs and installs software or hardware that subsequently fails to meet expectations, is it a design error or installation error? Under separate professional indemnity and product liability policies, there may be a lengthy debate as to which policy will respond.

To deal with this issue, the QBE Information & Communication Technology insurance policy combines attributes of professional indemnity, product liability and public liability into a single policy.

This removes the potential debate whether the product should be defined as a service or a good because under the policy, it will respond to both, providing the IT professional with comprehensive coverage.

How to obtain a quote?

Please provide us with the completed proposal form.

Read ICT whitepaper

Directors & Officers Liability Insurance

Duties are placed upon leaders of companies by statues and acts and by common law. Today, with increased emphasis placed on corporate governance, directors and officers of companies are facing heavier responsibilities and more stringent regulatory requirements. The courts are more willing to pierce the corporate veil and hold them personally liable. QBE’s D&O insurance policy helps provide them with peace of mind by providing comprehensive cover for such liabilities.

  • For Small- to Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) - Coverage can be bound on the spot so long as the criteria in the Proposal Form are fulfilled.
  • For Companies that fall outside the criteria of SMEs – please provide us with the latest annual report or audited financial statements and the completed proposal form.

How to obtain a quote?

Please provide us with the completed proposal form.

Association Liability Insurance

Despite the non-profit or charitable nature of many associations, the risks they face have increased significantly in recent years. In an era of increased responsibility and accountability, many associations are now discovering that they could incur liability through the services that they provide to their members or to members of the public.

Cover for legal costs and expense is important as litigation involving directors, officers and committee members of an association is often complex and expensive. It is imperative that they have access to specialised and quality legal representation to safeguard their interest in the most effective way.

How to obtain a quote?

Please provide us with the latest audited financial statements and the completed proposal form.

Important Notice

The above only serves as a general description of our products and services. For full product details and coverage, please check with your local insurance broker or a QBE authorised agent.

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