Beware of scams! Stay vigilant of suspicious phone calls, emails, websites, apps, etc which attempt to steal your personal and financial information.

Below are some tips to protect your information:

  1. Verify the caller’s identity (e.g., full name of the staff or intermediary, his/her insurance license number) if you receive any calls from individuals who claim to represent or be associated with QBE Hong Kong.
  2. Do not click on suspicious links and disclose personal and financial information via links provided in unsolicited emails or messages.
  3. Only deal with licensed insurance intermediaries registered with HKIA (see Register of Licensed Insurance Intermediaries).


If in doubt, please contact us at the following:

QBE Hongkong & Shanghai Insurance Limited

whatsapp logo WhatsApp us
Tel: 852 2828 1998


QBE General Insurance (Hong Kong) Limited

whatsapp logo WhatsApp us
Tel: 852 2828 3138

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