A transitional return-to-work (TRTW) program aims to return employees to work in a safe and timely manner after an injury or illness by providing temporary, modified jobs that take into account their physical limitations. That can mean big benefits for your business. Studies show a TRTW program helps lower odds of litigation occurring, reduces the number of lost work days, and increases workers' return rate after injury.
A successful plan tracks injured workers' progress. When they are medically cleared to perform light duties, they return to work, although sometimes only part-time. They're given modified duties; however, these must include meaningful responsibilities like answering customer calls or taking inventory. If companies don't have suitable transitional duties, some have TRTW employees perform light-duty volunteer work at non-profit organizations.
To improve the success of your TRTW program, intervene quickly after an accident with timely, appropriate medical care, submit your insurance claim right away, and educate your employees about the program. Contact QBE and your independent agent for assistance building a program that will work for your business.