A home inventory, or detailed inventory of your belongings, will increase the chances that you are promptly and appropriately reimbursed following a catastrophic loss such as a tornado or hurricane.
We recommend you follow these tips to create a thorough and accurate inventory:
- List and assess the value of your possessions and videotape or take photos of the items. Include information about when they were purchased and what you paid.
- Open drawers and cabinets when going through your home to better document the type and amount of items you have, like the quantity and variety of clothes and the quality of housewares you own.
- Save receipts from high-value items and keep them with your list.
- Download this Home Inventory Checklist from our sister company, Unigard. Or you can find free home inventory software from the Insurance Information Institute.
- Keep a copy of the inventory list and video or photos at another location outside your home, such as in a safe-deposit box or filed with your insurance agent to ensure the list isn't lost if something happens to your home.
- Update your inventory list regularly or when you make a large purchase.