QCyberProtect, QBE’s comprehensive cyber policy, provides bespoke coverage that guards against loss arising from current and emerging cyber risks. This coverage, in combination with QBE’s Professional Liability coverage, provides a solid defense against a myriad of cyber exposures.

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Risk appetite and target size

  • Primary and excess capacity up to $10M.
  • Clients range from small and medium-sized enterprises to global corporations with fully outsourced IT networks to those with complex, large-scale IT systems
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Our extensive Cyber policy can include coverage for: 
  • Network Security and Privacy Liability
  • Privacy Regulatory Proceeding
  • Online Media Liability
  • Event Expense & Bricking
  • Network Extortion
  • Business Interruption & Dependent Business Interruption, plus claims preparation costs
  • Consequential Reputational Loss
  • Reward Fund
  • Cryptojacking
  • Social Engineering
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Additional offerings
Insurance easily combined with:

  • Media
  • Miscellaneous professional liability
  • Technology errors & omissions
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QCyberProtect policy highlights

  • Worldwide protection
  • 20% acquisition threshold, 90 days to notify
  • Most favorable venue for damages
  • Definition of claim includes nonmonetary relief
  • Blanket waiver of subrogation when required by contract
  • 60-day automatic extended reporting period
  • Coverage for liquidated damages if not in excess of the insured’s liability
  • Event expenses include costs to temporarily store the insured’s electronic data at a third-party host location
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Risk management tool empowering organizations to be connected, confident and in control before, during and after a cyber crisis.