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Get your policy servicing done anywhere any time.
  • Personal Customers

    Personal customers

    Simply use your policy number and NRIC number to start using our eService to access your policy information and download documents.
  • Business

    Business customers

    Sorry! Our eService is currently only available to personal customers at the moment, but we are working to expand this function to all corporate customers as well. Stay tuned.
  • Claims

    All claims-related matters

    Our eClaims service is now available for all products and you can submit new claims and check your claim status any time online.

eServices Benefits

We want you to get what you need accurately and efficiently

We know your time is valuable and we want to you get information quickly without queuing on our customer service hotline or waiting for our email response. Now you can get access to your policies information with QBE Malaysia at your fingertips. Moreover, you can submit claims with scanned documents or images taken on your mobile easily. No more mailing and faster reimbursements! 

eService Frequently Asked Questions

Currently QBE eService only supports personal policies. Business policies and group insurance policies are not supported at the moment.

Please also note that only active policies and policies expired no more than one policy term can be retrieved using QBE Customer Portal.

In this case, please contact QBE Customer Services for assistance

Telephone: +60378618480

No. Only the policyholder(s) is/are eligible to access the policy details via QBE eService. To protect our customer’s personal information, portal users must pass the authentication before they can access to the policy or customer portfolio details. Policy number is only one of the information required for the authentication.

You will need to fill in the following information to complete the authentication:

  • Your NRIC number 
  • Name(s) of Policy Holder(s), or Date of Birth of Policyholder

The information you provided must match with the policy information in our system record for passing the authentication.

The information you provided will be validated against our system record. You may not pass the authentication if the information is incorrect or not in correct format, for examples:

  • NRIC number: All characters including the digit in bucket e.g. 831219-08-1234 (12)
  • Name of Policyholder: Full name must be same as the policy schedule or renewal notice. For joint policy, please input all the names and use “&” to separate the names. (e.g. Chan Tai Man & Wong Siu Man)

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