Car stolen, damaged or in an accident?
Immediately after an accident you must:
- Prevent further damage to your car and keep it secure
- Get the full name and address of each person involved
- Get the registration numbers of any vehicles involved
- Report the incident to the police if your car is stolen or deliberately damaged
- You should make your claim as soon as you can after the incident. Either call us on 133 723 or lodge your claim online.
You can:
- Make your claim online
- Call our 24/7 claims line on 133 723
- Contact your broker to help you.
To lodge your claim, you’ll need:
- Your QBE policy number
- Details of what happened
- Details of other people involved, such as names and contact details of third parties and witnesses
A dedicated claims officer will manage your claim. We may be able to make a decision on your claim if we have all the details, or we’ll let you know if we need to know more.
If your car is safe to drive, we’ll tell you about your nearest QBE Accredited Smash Repairer and help you through the repair process.
We’ll tell you if there are any excesses to pay. You can also talk to us if you’re in financial hardship.
If your car is to be repaired, you can arrange when to drop it off with a QBE Accredited Smash Repairer. Your QBE Accredited Smash Repairer will provide a complimentary service(s)* that you can choose from e.g. Taxi Voucher of $50 each way to travel to and from their shop.
If it’s in a storage yard, we’ll assess it there or arrange to move it to the nearest accredited repairer.
We’ll pay our accredited repairer the cost to fix your car, minus your excess. All repairs we authorise have a guarantee on their quality and workmanship, for as long as you own your car. Check your PDS for details.
If you choose another repairer and it’s not a part of your cover, you’ll need to authorise and manage your repairs. Then we’ll pay you a fair and reasonable amount for your repairs minus your excess, which you’ll pay to your repairer.
* Subject to availability and/or services offered by the repairer
Frequently Asked Questions
You shouldn't drive your car if it’s:
- Obviously not safe to drive
- Unroadworthy due to the damage
- Lights have been damaged
- Radiator is leaking
- Engine or transmission has been damage
- Temperature gauge is too high
- Been damaged and interferes with normal driving.
An excess is the amount you agree to pay towards a claim. More than one excess may apply in some circumstances.
If we decide an accident wasn’t your fault, you may not need to pay an excess. If you do need to pay it, we may ask you to pay it to the repairer after they fix your car.
If your car isn’t damaged, you may still need to pay an excess to QBE for damage to other vehicles or property you cause. Check our Additional Information Guide for your policy, to see what excesses may apply.
If you’re having financial difficulties and struggling to pay your excess, talk to your claims officer or call us on 133 723.
We may allocate a motor assessor (or insurance loss assessor) to assess your car. They’ll assess the cost of parts and labour to repair or replace the damage on your car.
Your motor assessor will provide an expert opinion on your car’s damage or loss, under the guidance of our claims officer. They’ll:
- Review the circumstances of your claim
- Assess the damage or loss
- Help you get a repair or replacement quote
- Help our claims officer settle your claim.
They’ll make sure the repairer quotes you a suitable repair method to fix it. They’ll also check how practical, safe and economical it is to repair it, compared to paying you the market or agreed value of your car before the accident.
If it’s just your windscreen or glass that needs repair, that’s where our preferred auto glass repairer, O'Brien AutoGlass gets to work. We’ve chosen O'Brien AutoGlass because they’ll take care of you and your car. They have the right knowledge, skills and equipment, so you can trust their service and safe repairs.
As a QBE preferred auto glass repairer, all repairs we authorise with O'Brien AutoGlass have a guarantee on their quality and workmanship, for as long as you own or lease your car.
If the Choice of Repairer option is included in your policy, then you can choose your own repairer. Please refer to the relevant PDS for more information.
If your car needs to be repaired, that’s where our QBE Accredited Smash Repairer gets to work. Our hand-picked nationwide repairer network has been chosen for a reason; they’ll take care of you and your car, so you have a great claims experience. We’ve selected them because they have the right knowledge, skills and equipment, so you can trust their service and safe repairs.
If the Choice of Repairer option is included in the policy you’re claiming on, you can choose your own repairer.
All QBE Accredited Smash Repairers must meet QBE standards. They’re committed to providing you with priority service and hassle-free repairs.
Your accredited repairer is your main contact while they fix your car. Just give them your claim number and they’ll take care of the rest. The benefits of using QBE authorised repairers are:
- Quality inspections
- QBE provides a guarantee on the workmanship and materials used in your repairs for as long as you own or lease the vehicle
- They maintain professional business premises
- They use the latest repair equipment
- They'll wash and vacuum your car before you pick it up.