As part of Q nect you will be serviced by our dedicated team of Q nect Managers, Partnerships. Our team are specialists in working with Authorised Representatives and brokers.
The Q nect team are responsible for building relationships with your business and are able to provide seamless access to our underwriting services. Your dedicated Q nect Manager, Partnerships is here to work with you, to grow your business and be your main point of contact.
As part of the Q nect service offering you will get access to live chat with your dedicated SME underwriting team, and readily available tips and tricks. Your Q nect Manager is also there to connect you with all the relevant teams at QBE and help you navigate how to work with us.
Speak to your Q nect Manager, Partnerships for your tailored contact list of QBE specialists.
Q nect news
Each month we will share key industry updates and insights that are designed to support you in building your business. We will continue to evolve our systems and resources so that you have everything you need to process business with ease.
Q nect onboarding
We’ve designed an onboarding program to support those insurance professionals who are new to the industry and QBE. Over seven weeks you will receive information about QBE products, our claims processes, online training and more, so you have everything you need before & after.
Q nect professional development
We have all your learning and development needs covered, with our Q nect live, Q nect knowledge and Q Academy programs. What’s more, most of our courses have ANZIIF CIP and NIBA CPD points available to ensure your hard work is recognised.
Q nect leadership team
The Q nect leadership team have years of experience in the insurance industry. They are business coaches who are passionate about helping Authorised Representatives and brokers succeed.

Steve Talbot
Head of Q nect, Partnerships

Harleen Bhasin
Q nect Senior Manager, Partnerships
Useful contact and processing information
All underwriting requests, including:
- Certificates of Currency
- Claims histories
- Renewal documentation
- Endorsement requests
- Closings
can be sent to: [email protected]
BPK, HPK and MVA (non-Fleet) claims can be lodged directly on Claimwrite.
Contact your Claims Relationship Manager or Business Relationship Manager for Claimwrite access.
You can find all other claim lodgement details on our claims contact page. Check out our claims information page for details about each product, what relevant documentation is required, and the email address used to register the claim.
Discover the many benefits of using our national motor repairer network, our preferred builders and restorers for property claims, or find a supplier fast with our Repairer Finder Tool.
All instalment enquiries can be sent directly to: [email protected]
Requests for Letters of Appointment and Letters of Authority are to be sent directly to your Business Relationship Manager.
The minimum criteria required when providing a Letter of Appointment (LOA) includes a longer timeframe of 90 days to provide us with your LOA from the date signed.
For more details, please refer to our broker FAQs.

Find the key contacts available to support you in our underwriting, E-business and claims teams.

Ask QBE for help
Our virtual assistant is here so you can reach us quickly for general partner questions. Simply ask QBE to help you quickly find the information you need.
You can start a chat using the icon in the bottom right corner of the screen.

Tips and tricks
Take advantage of our system tips, guides and FAQs so you can access what you need when you need it.
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Q nect knowledge
Take advantage of our specialist knowledge with tips focused on growing your business, plus industry insights.

Q Academy
Learn about QBE products, risk insights and business support through our Q Academy.

Q Risk Insights
Learn how to manage risks in business to help save you time, money, reputation and more.